
Pool Repairs, Upgrades, and Component Replacements from Riverside, CA

Restore the glory of your pool and add in advanced new features with Atlantis Pool Service in Riverside, CA. Our teams are mobile, and service pools across the Inland Empire to keep them running and flowing smoothly.

Repairs and Replacements

Our technicians service and repair all mechanical and electrical components of your pool, from pumps and filters to heaters, lights, and wiring. We’ll examine the issue, diagnose the problem, and develop a plan to get it fixed, fast.
After an on-site inspection and estimate, we’ll order any parts we need to get the job done. We partner with many major manufacturers, including:
Residential —Installing Tiles in Riverside, CA

Features and Upgrades

Outfit your pool with the latest smart-devices that give you more control over your comfort. Atlantis Pool Service can install sensors and controllers in your pool that connect your swimming pool or hot tub to your smart device. Turn on the pool, adjust the water temperature, and control various water features from your phone and more!

Restore Finish and Smooth Your Pool

Is your pool rough, dull, or uncomfortable? An acid bath helps to smooth the surface, remove dirt and buildup, and restore finish and luster. Our teams will drain your pool and carefully coat the surface with a powerful solvent. When the job is done, we’ll remove excess acid and return the pool to a condition that will keep your pH levels balanced. 
Call us today at (951) 756-4270 to schedule your initial on-site inspection with Atlantis Pool Service, and let’s get your pool back up to speed!
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